Stimulus Update 2022: Can Anyone Expect a 4th Stimulus Check?

Last updated Sep 05, 2022 | By Richard White
Stimulus Update 2022: Can Anyone Expect a 4th Stimulus Check? image

It is true that a fourth stimulus check is being sent, but only to residents of certain states in the United States.  

4th stimulus checks are really happening, but they are not issued by the federal government, unlike the prior three stimulus payments. This time, everything is based on the state in which you reside. That's true, the recipients of the fourth stimulus check are now at the state and local government levels. 

All 50 states received $195 billion when the American Rescue Plan first started, with a minimum of $500 million going to each state to support local economic recovery. The catch is that they can't use that money forever.  

By the end of 2024, the states must decide how they will use the funds, and they have until the end of 2026 to do it.   Although those deadlines may seem quite far ahead, time is actually running out. 

Some states are giving out the fourth stimulus payment to specific groups by dipping into the large sum of money that the federal government handed them.  

Each state's qualifications appear to be different, although they all appear to share a few characteristics, such as meeting specific income limits or going through a difficult time. 

Check the news for more information on your state.