Dental Implants May Restore Your Perfect Smile

Last updated Nov 28, 2022 | By Sophia Duncan

Dental implants are a permanent and reliable solution for missing teeth or severely damaged teeth. They are artificial tooth roots that are surgically placed in the jawbone and act as anchors to secure replacement teeth, such as crowns, bridges, and dentures. Dental implants can be used to replace one or multiple missing teeth, providing both aesthetic and functional benefits. The success rate of dental implants is high, with a 95% success rate after 10 years of use. If you're considering getting dental implants, talk to your dentist about the treatment process. They will evaluate your condition and help decide if this option is right for you!

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Why Choose Dental Implants?

Dental implants are one of the best ways to achieve natural looking and feeling teeth once again. The replacement teeth feel like your own, and they are indistinguishable from your other teeth. They’ll blend in naturally and seamlessly, and can be colored to match the shade of your natural teeth.

Getting dental implants can also help prevent bone loss. When you lose a tooth, the bone underneath it starts to be reabsorbed by your body. Over time, this can make you look older, and your jaw may become weaker and more likely to fracture. When you have dental implants, they help to stabilize your jaw and to prevent bone loss.

Implants are also a better alternative to dentures. More comfortable and customized, you never have to worry about the uncomfortable fit or pain that can come with wearing dentures. You don’t need to remove them to soak at night or to apply any adhesives or creams; dental implants function like real teeth, allowing you to talk, chew, and live life as normally as possible.

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Free Procedures for Low-Income

Dental implants can be quite costly, and many seniors on a fixed income cannot afford them. The good news is that the world isn't completely run over with cold-hearted billionaires, who always looking for the best way to make a quick buck for themselves.

There are also people determined to help others.

These ‘do-gooders' found, work for, or volunteer for nonprofits and charities that provide necessary medical care and dentistry for those who can't pay for them but need them.

Dental Lifeline Network

The Dental Lifeline Network is a nonprofit organization that provides free or low-cost dental care to people who are unable to afford it. They have a network of dentists and dental clinics across the United States that provide care to qualifying individuals.The Dental Lifeline Network also offers a program called Donated Dental Services, which provides free dental care to low-income seniors and people with disabilities. If you or someone you know needs dental care but cannot afford it, the Dental Lifeline Network may be able to help.

Local Community Health Centers

For seniors who are on a fixed income, local community health centers can be a great way to get affordable dental care. These centers usually provide sliding-scale fees based on income, and many offer discounts for seniors. In addition, community health centers typically have staff who are trained to work with patients who have limited English proficiency or other special needs. As a result, community health centers can provide high-quality dental care for seniors who might otherwise be unable to afford it.

Dental Schools

Dental schools are a great way for seniors to get affordable dental care. Dental students need to practice their skills and are supervised by licensed dentists. As a result, seniors can get high-quality dental care for a fraction of the cost of going to a private dentist. In addition, many dental schools offer sliding scale fees, so seniors can pay based on their income. For seniors who don't have dental insurance, dental schools can be a great option for getting the care they need.

PACE Coverage

PACE, or Program of All-Inclusive Care for the Elderly, is a type of managed care program that provides seniors with access to comprehensive dental care. Through PACE, seniors can get dental implants at a reduced cost, as well as other necessary dental care services. In addition, PACE Coverage provides seniors with peace of mind by ensuring that they have access to quality dental care. As a result, PACE Coverage is an excellent option for seniors who want to get dental implants.

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